
What is Laser Welding?

Laser Welding is a technique in which metals are fused together using the heat energy provided by a laser. Unlike traditional forms of welding, a laser produces a highly concentrated heat source which enables precise, narrow welds. It is a versatile process which can be used to weld Stainless steel, Carbon Steel, and Aluminum. Laser welding is normally used for smaller sized cores.


Laser welding

The important consideration when we produce prototypes is for the products to be manufactured in a way that is as close to mass production conditions as possible, so that the results are realistic.

We therefore constantly strive to adapt and expand our machine shop to meet the needs of our challenging and highly diverse customer base.

This saves our customers a great deal of time and money when they are developing new products.

In order that we can offer you an all-round lamination stacking service, we operate a state of the art laser welding shop, where we can undertake laser welding with a high level of process reliability, even on high-silicon electrical steel sheet.

  • High welding speed
  • Extremely fine weld seam with an easily definable seam depth
  • Welds without adding any fillers
  • Minimal thermal distortion
  • High repetitive accuracy
  • No electrode wear
  • Precision working with pinpoint energy input
  • Minor thermal effects, leading to minimal structural change
  • No cavities in the weld seams
  • High strength combined with low volume in the weld seam
  • The laser beam welds without making contact

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